Sms Messages Definition
Source( Introduction
Messaging Server implements email-to-mobile and mobile-to-email messaging using a Short Message Service (SMS). SMS can be configured to be either one-way (email-to-mobile only) or two-way (both email-to-mobile and mobile-to-email). To enable one-way service only, you must add and configure the SMS channel. To enable two-way service, you must add and configure the SMS channel, and in addition, configure the SMS Gateway Server.
For both one- and two-way SMS, the generated SMS messages are submitted to a Short Message Service Center (SMSC) using the Short Message Peer to Peer (SMPP) protocol. Specifically, the SMSC must provide a V3.4 or later SMPP server that supports TCP/IP.
Figure C-1 illustrates the logical flow of messages for both one-way and two-way SMS.
Figure C-1 Logical Flow For One-Way and Two-Way SMS
Graphic shows logical data flow of one- and two-way SMS.
C.1.1 One-Way SMS
To enable one-way service, the Messaging Server implements an SMPP client (the MTA SMS channel) that communicates with remote SMSCs. The SMS channel converts enqueued email messages to SMS messages as described in C.2.2 The Email to SMS Conversion Process of multipart MIME messages as well as character set translation issues.
Operating in this capacity, the SMS channel functions as an (SMPP) External Short Message Entity (ESME).
C.1.1.1 Two-Way SMS
Two-Way SMS enables the mail server not only to send email to remote devices, but allows for receiving replies from the remote devices and for remote device email origination.
Enabling two-way SMS service requires both the MTA SMS channel (SMPP client), as explained in the previous topic, and the SMS Gateway Server. Messaging Server installs an SMS Gateway Server as part of its general installation process, which you must then configure. The SMS Gateway Server performs two functions:
SMPP relay
The SMS Gateway Server acts as a transparent SMPP client between the MTA SMS channel and SMSCs. However, in addition, while acting as a relay, the SMS Gateway Server generates unique SMS source addresses for relayed messages, and saves the message IDs returned by the remote SMSCs for later correlation with SMS notification messages.
SMPP server
The SMS Gateway Server acts as an SMPP server to receive mobile originated SMS messages, replies to prior email messages, and SMS notifications. The SMS Gateway Server extracts destination email addresses from the SMS messages using profiles that define the conversion process. Profiles also describe how to handle notification messages returned by remote SMSCs in response to previously sent email-to-mobile messages.
Note -
Messaging Server does not support the two-way SMS on the Windows platform.
C.1.2 Requirements
This manual assumes that you have read Logica CMG's SMPP specification, and the SMPP documentation for your SMSC.
In order to implement SMS, you must have the following:
Messaging Server 6 or greater. (One-way SMS is also implemented in iPlanet Messaging Server 5.2.)
The SMSC must support SMPP V3.4, or later, over TCP/IP and there must be TCP/IP connectivity between the host running Messaging Server and the SMSC.
For storage planning information for the SMS Gateway Server, see C.6 SMS Gateway Server Storage Requirements
C.2 SMS Channel Theory of Operation
The SMS channel is a multi-threaded channel which converts queued email messages to SMS messages and then submits them for delivery to an SMSC.
The following channel operation topics are covered in this section:
C.2.1 Directing Email to the Channel.
C.2.2 The Email to SMS Conversion Process.
C.2.3 The SMS Message Submission Process.
C.2.4 Site-defined Address Validity Checks and Translations
C.2.5 Site-defined Text Conversions
C.2.1 Directing Email to the Channel
When the SMS channel is configured as per C.3 SMS Channel Configuration purposes of discussion, let us assume that the host name is a host name associated with the channel. In that case, email is directed to the channel with an address of the form:
in which local-part is either the SMS destination address (for example, a wireless phone number, pager ID, etc.) or an attribute-value pair list in the format:
The recognized attribute names and their usages are given in Table C-1. These attributes allow for per-recipient control over some channel options.
Table C-1 SMS Attributes
Attribute Name Attribute Value and Usage
ID SMS destination address (for example, wireless phone number, pager ID, etc.) to direct the SMS message to. This attribute and associated value must be present.
FROM SMS source address. Ignored when option USE_HEADER_FROM=0.
FROM_NPI Use the specified NPI value. Ignored when option USE_HEADER_FROM=0.
FROM_TON Use the specified TON value. Ignored when option USE_HEADER_FROM=0.
MAXLEN The maximum, total bytes (that is, eight bit bytes) to place into the generated SMS message or messages for this recipient. The lower value of either MAXLEN and the value specified by the MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE channel option is used.
MAXPAGES The maximum number of SMS messages to split the email message into for this recipient. The lower value of either MAXPAGES and the value specified by the MAX_PAGES_PER_MESSAGE channel option is used.
NPI Specify a Numeric Plan Indicator (NPI) value for the destination SMS address specified with the ID attribute. See the description of the DEFAULT_DESTINATION_NPI channel option for information on the accepted values for this attribute. When this attribute is used, its value overrides the value given by the DEFAULT_DESTINATION_NPI channel option.
PAGELEN Maximum number of bytes to place into a single SMS message for this recipient. The minimum of this value and that specified with the MAX_PAGE_SIZE channel option is used.
TO Synonym for ID.
TO_NPI Synonym for NPI.
TO_TON Synonym for TON.
TON Specify a Type of Number (TON) value for the destination SMS address given with the ID attribute. See the description of the DEFAULT_DESTINATION_TON channel option for information on the accepted values for this attribute. When this attribute is used, its value overrides the value given by the DEFAULT_DESTINATION_TON channel option.
Sms Messages
Sms Messages
Sms Messages
Sms Messages
Sms Messages
Sms Messages
Sms Messages
Sms Messages
Sms Messages
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