Msg In Hindi Funny Definition
Source( Lolol profile image82
Best Answer Flavie Lolol says
lol = laughing out loud
lmao = laugh my ass off
rofl = rolling on the floor laughing
brb = be right back
afk = away from the keyboard
ty = thank you
thx = thanks
np = no problem
You are not alone in this. I was a newbie and was having the same problem with these internet texting abbreviations and texting acronyms until when I found a comprehensive listing of internet slang and acronyms here:
17 months ago
WoodsmensPost profile image81
WoodsmensPost says
I thought they meant
LOL= Little Old Lady
LMAO = Love My Arthritis Ointment
ROFL = Retirement Opportunity, Fort Lauderdale
AFK = Anyone Feeling Kinky
TY = Thank You
THX = Thanks
NP= Nightime Poop
OMG = Oh My,Gas
WTF =Wag the Finger
TTYL= Time To Your Laxitives
2 years ago
Just Ask Susan profile image96
Just Ask Susan says
a few more are
FYI= For your information
ttyl=Talk to you later
2 years ago
alekhouse profile image80
alekhouse says
lol: laughing out loud
lmao: laugh my ass off
rofl: rolling on the floor laughing
brb: be right back
afk: away from the keyboard
ty: thank you
thx: thanks
np: no problem
3 years ago
Savannah0024 says
LOL: Laughing Out Loud
LMAO: Laughing My Ass Off
ROFL: Rolling On The Floor Laughing
BRB: Be Right Back
AFK: Away From The Keyboard
TY: Thank You
THX: Thanks
NP: No Problem.
I'll add some that I know.
GTG: Got To Go
LYLAS: Love You Like A Sister
TTYL: Talk To You Later
3 years ago
ptosis profile image84
ptosis says
One time saw a street slinger with a big garish necklace that said PIMP.
So being a wisenheimer - I googled acronyms on the net and the next day - he laughed when I said that, PIMP stands for "Peeing In My Pants."
He never wore that necklace again.
BITCH = Babe In Total Control Honey
3 years ago
GreenGardenGuy profile image74
GreenGardenGuy says
There was a program years ago called "PowWow" where you could chat with multiple people at the same time. It could speak all of the LOLs and LMAOs. It could even do LSHCCOMNAIWEDA, which translates to: laughing so hard coke came out my nose and I wasn't even drinking any. That's the longest one I know. LOL
4 years ago
MyFirstPages profile image74
MyFirstPages says
I think there are negative and positive things about using text/computer abbreviations on HubPages.
The good thing- and in general too, it's just so much easier to respond to a funny message by going:
instead of-
Oh my god that was laugh out loud laugh out loudddddddd loud funny!
But also, sometimes it just gets annoying to readers and especially on here, when we write to be understood and not to post gibberish in codes.
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