Thursday, 5 September 2013

New Sms Jokes

New Sms Jokes Definition


HOW TO START YOUR DAY WITH A POSITIVE OUTLOOK 1. Open a new file in your PC. 2. Name it " Boss " 3. Send it to the RECYCLE BIN 4. Empt :D...
HOW TO START YOUR DAY WITH A POSITIVE OUTLOOK 1. Open a new file in your PC. 2. Name it " Boss " 3. Send it to the RECYCLE BIN 4. Empt :D...
If there is some work which you think you are not able to finish
If there is some work which you think you are not able to finish, imagine every day for few minutes that you have successfully finished the work.....
Man- Among My 4 Sons 3 are MBAs
Man- Among My 4 Sons 3 are MBAs Friend- 4th? Man- He Didnt Study & Became A Barber Friend: Why Dont U Throw Him Out? Man- Woi To GHAR Ka Kharcha Chala Raha Hai :D...
People may not believe what u say
People may not believe what u say! But, they will always believe what u done! So prove ur excellence in action better than in words Have a Nice day...
Don’t see others doing better than you
Don't see others doing better than you, Beat your own records everyday because, Success is a fight between YOU & YOURSELF....
The ones who say You can’t and You won’t!!
The ones who say "You can't" and "You won't" are probably the ones that are scared that you will.....
Don’t share ur Top secrets with anyone
Mind Blowing words Don't share ur Top secrets with anyone.. Bcoz if u urself cant keep ur secrets then don't expect sumbody else 2 keep it...!!...
Confidence Doesn’t come when you have All the answers
Confidence Doesn't come when you have All the answers.. But, It comes when you are ready to Face all the problems..!! ...
Intention kitna bhi achchha ho
INTENTION kitna bhi achchha ho... duniya PRESENTATION dekhti hai. aur.. PRESENTATION kitna bhi achchha ho, uparwala INTENTION dekhta hai. ...
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New Sms Jokes

New Sms Jokes

New Sms Jokes

New Sms Jokes

New Sms Jokes

New Sms Jokes

New Sms Jokes

New Sms Jokes

New Sms Jokes

New Sms Jokes

New Sms Jokes

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